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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Winner of Destination Challenge #1

Prize is a 50.00 GC to Tall Oaks Retreat Center donated by the owner, Casie. Thanks Casie, the beautiful retreat center is located In Arbor Vitae Wisconsin.

Jump in your car we are headed to ........Tall Oaks...In Beautiful Arbor Vitae Wisconsin The drive there is very pretty, very nature like feeling, you see lakes, camping, resorts deer, ,the drive is very peaceful and serene. When you get there you are greeted with a beautiful cedar home surronded by very tall oak trees, green grass, a fire pit, flowers, theres a nice deck to relax on, a very natural setting. Visualize what this would be like, the drive, the arrival the anticipation of going, etc and draw inspiration from your visualization. Create a LO on what this scenarial brings to you. You may be like Kim and have the perfect pictures, and use the setting for inspiration or like me and draw more from the atmosphere/visualization.
The winner by Random Drawing was Melissa/Northern Memorie here is her LO and the others

Kathy H

Dt Submissions


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